As it is the start of a new year and a lot of us will be wanting to get fit and in shape, I thought I would tell you how I fit regular exercise into my week and suggest ways for you to manage exercising in a practical way. We all lead very hectic lives that are full of commitments such as work, family, social events, money and the list goes on. It can be difficult to find time in the day to exercise, especially when you commute to work or work very long hours. Getting myself into the gym or outside to exercise can be really hard; some days I feel really revved up and ready to go and other days I feel tired, unmotivated and find something ‘more important’ to do. But one of my main sources of comfort, stability and a real mood-booster has always been working out. Yes the thought can sometimes be torture, but have you ever regretted a workout? I certainly haven’t! Fitness is guaranteed to energise your body and brighten your mood, so here are five positive fitness tips for you.
View it as YOU time
I like to view my workouts as time dedicated to bettering myself, away from the stresses of every day life. Exercise really helps me because I put all my mental energy into focusing on the workout I’m doing, clearing my mind and boosting my mood. Try to remind yourself that exercise oxygenates the body and brain, releases happy endorphins and makes you feel strong – this way you think of it in a positive light rather than a chore.
Make it a lifestyle change
Exercise is as much a part of my weekly routine as brushing my teeth is. Removing the decision to exercise because its as normal a part of your routine as making breakfast or showering helps to cancel out the temptation to skip it. Exercise isn’t something I dread or decide on, it is something I factor into my weekly lifestyle and that I now look forward to.
Take your gym clothes everywhere
Sounds silly, but if you can always have a pair of gym leggings and trainers in your bag, you are much more likely to hit the gym after work or go for a run when you have a quick 20 minutes available. If you are time poor, this is a great thing to do as you never know when you are going to have a spare moment to do a quick session. There are so many home workout’s that you can do nowadays, a particular favourite of mine is Danielle Peazer’s Train Like A Dancer workout on YouTube, give it a try!
Eat to support your body and mind
Good nutrition is crucial for fitness and emotional well-being. It is so difficult to lead a busy life and stay fit and healthy if you are not nourishing every cell of your body with the right foods. I am planning to do a food diary blog very soon that will cover breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options to inspire and help you with meal ideas and preparation. In the mean time, check out a previous blog post of mine that has some delicious and nutritious recipes.
Take responsibility for your actions
One trait that all fit and motivated people share is discipline. It is easy to make excuses to skip a gym class or pig out on a whole packet of biscuits, but taking responsibility for your actions and knowing that nobody else but you is accountable for the consequences of your body has always driven me to want to achieve my health and fitness goals. Hard work, self discipline and avoiding the temptation to blame somebody else when things don’t always go right is a key combination to success in fitness.
I hope these tips give you the motivation to absolutely smash your health and fitness goals this January and for the rest of 2018!
Olivia x